Parents want the best for their children and that includes their dental care. If you’re seeking quality dental care, start at Columbia Dental Care & Associates for a leading kids dentist in Kissimmee FL.

Columbia Dental Care & Associates understands the importance of providing superior dental care for children. As one of the most respected kids dentist in Kissimmee FL, our team recommends that parents schedule a child’s first dental visit when the child gets their first tooth, or shortly after the child celebrates their first birthday.

Parents may wonder if that sounds too early to start taking their child to a dentist, but the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry says it’s important for children to see a pediatric dentist when their mouths are small and growing so a healthy foundation can be created for the teeth that are soon to follow.

A big reason why Columbia Dental Care & Associates is one of the top kids dentist in Kissimmee FL, is our commitment to getting children and parents to understand the importance of establishing a daily at-home care routine that will build good habits, and maintaining a preventative schedule of regular check-ups, cleanings, and X-rays.

Get started at home

This is probably the most important but also the most difficult part of a child’s oral healthcare journey. When children are in school and parents are working, evenings can be chaotic. Just having a family meal, finishing homework, and getting the kids bathed and ready for bed can be a chore. Making sure your children take the time to properly brush their teeth is often an afterthought .

When children brush their teeth every night they are protecting their teeth from the decay and plaque that can build up on their young teeth and gums and create cavities. Better brushing translates in cleaner teeth that are less likely to develop cavities. And by teaching your children the benefits of daily brushing, they will be more likely to practice good oral healthcare habits as they become adolescents and adults.

As your children become more accustomed to regular brushing, you can start teaching them the proper way to use dental floss. If it was difficult to get your children into the habit of brushing after every meal, it won’t be easy to get started on flossing. But parents have the ability to be quite convincing and if children see their parents flossing, then they are more likely to at least try. Get it a try. You might be surprised by the results.

Sealants provide protection

A child’s molars are especially susceptible to cavities because they are at the back of the mouth and aren’t brushed as thoroughly as the teeth that can be seen in the mirror. Sealants are a precautionary treatment to protect the molars from plaque and bacteria that tend to accumulate on teeth in the hard-to-reach areas of the mouth.

The sealant is a thin, protective coating that covers the tops of the molars. The coating prevents bacteria from collecting in the small cracks and crevices and is proven to reduce cavities. Another preventative treatment is fluoride. A fluoride treatment strengthens the enamel on the teeth and makes them more resistant to bacteria and plaque.

If you’re searching for a kids dentist in Kissimmee FL, make your first call to Columbia Dental Care & Associates. We are pediatric dentistry specialists who will help your children get started on a healthy oral hygiene journey. Call 407.606.8454 today to schedule an appointment or visit and book an appointment online.